Monday, September 19, 2016

Pollock Orders Cod

I wanted a chalk outline on the ground when I
woke up to rain falling like a surgeon out on the
veranda. There was no outline but the surgeon
left the chalk for me to draw my own. I broke
the chalk but eventually outlined a new veranda
one that the rain could melt into a milky pool of
dirt and wind. I went back inside covered in rain
and chalk and drank more water. I didn’t talk to
the sun on Fire Island like O’hara did in 1958; the sun simply wasn’t out but neither were the stars.Why is art so depressing? I remember you asking the night I slept in my car beneath the neon tanning salon sign. I didn’t answer you because I was drunk and fell asleep for three years, but I’ll call you soon.
It’s 5:45 a.m.

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